Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº Oct. 17 67 61 .00 Oct. 18 60 44 .00 Oct. 19 57 47 .00 Oct. 20 52 47 .00 Oct. 21 55 35 .00...
Our last unforgettable visit to Dean Sayre’s home in Vineyard Haven was on Saturday, August 9. I had called him on Wednesday, August 6 and talked...
Certain aspects of the Wall Street meltdown are not unlike the great Ponzi scheme foisted on investors by Charles Ponzi who promised a 75 per cent...
I have been thinking a great deal lately about a word that is flying around out there. The word is change. It is the buzz word of Obama supporters...
October Days A screech owl has been trilling outside the farmhouse this week, his voice soft and full of vibrato in the gathering darkness. Late...
Ship to Shore From Gazette editions of October, 1933:
PEACE THROUGH PRAYER Editors, Vineyard Gazette: A vote for Sen. John McCain is a vote to give our nation an opportunity to rethink the abortion...
L ast week, Mother Nature spent a lot of energy reminding us she was around. It was a nagging reminder, omnipresent and persistent. It’s the wind I...
Luxury Advertising on Wings Question: Why does the Martha’s Vineyard Airport need luxury advertising? Answer: It doesn’t. Better question: Why...
Jobless The Vineyard has long lived with labor shortages. Help wanted is the usual cry of small business owners here. Even this week, with the...
Martha’s Vineyard Museum executive director Keith Gorman recently received good news from the National Endowment for the Humanities — the museum...
Former Vineyard resident, fine art photographer and educator Michael Zide has been asked to speak for Bogen Imaging at the Photo Plus Expo in New...
