The Gazette presents a film clip drawn from two videotapes shot before, during and after Hurricane Bob, which struck the Vineyard 25 years ago this...

Before Hurricane Bob made landfall 25 years ago Friday, Islanders stocked up on ice and batteries, secured their boats and turned on their radios.

Established in 1693, the Gay Head Community Baptist Church is the oldest continuously operating Native American Baptist Church in the country.

The illumination of Clinton avenue Saturday night was fully up to the high standard of excellence, established last year.

On Monday, Jessica Stafford Davis held a one-day-only event on the Vineyard called Art on the Vine at the Daniel Fisher House in Edgartown.

Annie Howell recently released an original album of harp music called Silverfrost.


News Briefs

On Saturday, August 20, from 8 to 11 a.m. the Martha’s Vineyard Community Tennis Pro Am will be held/p>

The filmmaking couple will be on the Vineyard Wednesday, August 24 with their latest film Unlocking the Cage screening at The Martha's Vineyard Film...

On Sunday, August 21, David Crohan will regale his Island fans with an evening of classical music at the Chilmark Community Center.
