On the eve of an election marked by the bitterest presidential race in modern history, Martha’s Vineyard voters hardly need the usual exhortation to...

I recently found some crushed Kleenex tissues in my father’s vest, the one he wore in March of this year.

If there is an incontrovertible perennial punching bag on our Island it is of course the SSA.

From the Nov. 1, 1974 edition of the Gazette by William A. Caldwell: Every election is a suspense story. One expects oneself to hold one’s breath in...

When the Martha’s Vineyard Commission was created by an act of the legislature 46 years ago, it was not so much a reaction to development as a...

Pennacook avenue in Oak Bluffs is a street full of stories, the latest of which is a lovely coincidence.


Letters to the Editor

Ever since the death of Tony Meyer in 2009, a group of his friends have gathered from across the country in South Carolina for an October golf...

In your editorial “Keeping it Small” in the Nov. 6 Gazette, you wrongly assert that Tip O’Neill’s maxim “All politics is local” is ungrammatical. In...

To all the dedicated employees at Cronig’s Market — thank you. We all wish you well. Shirley Kennedy Vineyard Haven
