Following a concentrated blast of movies, music and conversation over a single weekend in March, the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival is stretching...
In 2009 Victoria Campbell's film House of Bones premiered at the Tabernacle. The documentary positions the family home on West Chop as a lens into...
Hilary Dreyer has been promoted to executive director of the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival.
In 1975, a group of small-time Rhode Island bank robbers executed the largest heist in New England’s history, stealing over $30 million from the mob.
The third annual Spectrum Film Festival arrives on the Island this weekend, beginning Thursday with Pride and running through Sunday at the Martha’s...
The Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society is set to sell approximately 10 acres of its land in West Tisbury to the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival,...
With two days remaining, the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival has already taken audiences from New Orleans to Cuba, into a New York city courtroom,...
Fueled by warming waters due to climate change, a newly robust lobster area off the coast of Maine dubbed the gray zone is being claimed by Canada...
A well known Edgartown couple and an iconic Edgartown landmark will be in the spotlight this holiday season when a new movie premiers on Hallmark...
Scott Frank's Netflix series Godless won three Emmy awards. He says he gets more writing done on the Vineyard than anywhere else.
The Film Society in Vineyard Haven is hosting its annual Manhattan Short Film Festival from Sept. 27 through Sept. 30.
A brief torrential downpour couldn’t dampen the spirits of cinephiles at the opening night for the Martha’s Vineyard International Film Festival.


Arts Briefs

In 2009 Victoria Campbell's film House of Bones premiered at the Tabernacle. The documentary positions the family home on West Chop as a lens into...

Hilary Dreyer has been promoted to executive director of the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival.

The Film Society in Vineyard Haven is hosting its annual Manhattan Short Film Festival from Sept. 27 through Sept. 30.
