It's been a few hot and miserable days for us outdoor workers. However, I am trying to put it all in perspective.
I know I mentioned Kousa dogwoods last week but it bears repeating as there is another beauty, both pink and white, at the bottom of the hill at Abel...
That was a pretty impressive rain shower on Tuesday afternoon. I was driving at the time and my wipers did not move fast enough.
The end of last week delivered some of my favorite spring weather — cool, rainy and foggy.
I thoroughly enjoyed the rainy, stormy weekend.
We’ve had a series of very warm days. It seems a little unseasonable for May on the Vineyard.
For several days there have been some pretty spectacular cloud formations.
I am writing on Tuesday afternoon and it’s another annoying windy day.
It is remarkable how quickly the leaves have emerged this week, especially right in Vineyard Haven.
There were a few days last week that were downright unpleasant for outdoor activities.
Creeping phlox.
I have been moving the plastic coyote around the yard with success. The deer have been avoiding my gardens. Until Monday night, that is.
The beautiful warm spring days are few and far between.
