From the March 5, 1954 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: This year it seems to have been the pinkletinks instead of a lion or a lamb, which ushered in...
It is a fact recognized by all Vineyard people that the Tilton family has produced some of the most prominent and interesting characters of Vineyard...
From the Feb. 25, 1972 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: A northeast storm of unusual viciousness struck the Island on Saturday during the early hours...
It is only a few years passage back to the day of solid fuel. Coal was principally used for all heating purposes for years before oil became usual.
From the February 5, 1943 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
The meeting room above the firehouse at Beetlebung corner in Chilmark is long, narrow and low-ceilinged.
For the first time in its history, the Vineyard Gazette publishes a news notice in the Portuguese language, this being the first official notice...
From the Jan. 17, 1986 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: Mary Holman was teaching school in Boston when she first heard of Martin Luther King Jr.
When anyone seeks information regarding the Edgartown fisheries, he is sure to be directed to one of two or three men and one of these is Antone K....
From the January 5, 1951 edition of the Vineyard Gazette.
From the Dec. 31, 1965 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: As always, the good things of 1965 are likely to remain unremembered and unsung, for the good...
From the Dec. 23, 1949 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: Santa Claus arrived on the Vineyard on Tuesday afternoon by airplane.
