We are thankful for all of our summer memories as September is slipping away as quick as you can say Jack Frost!
Well, the record book on August has closed.
Tuesday is the state primary election and polls are open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. at the public saftey building across from Conroy’s.
Well, the fair is but a memory as most all of the carnival units return to the mainland Wednesday and signs of fall are beginning to appear each day.
With the fair in full swing, it is hard to believe our summer season is fast becoming history.
The activity at the Agricultural Hall is at a fever pitch preparing for the fair.
Activity will pick up even more in this town in advance of the fair as we have passed the peak of the summer season.
Richard Olsen, of North Tisbury, recently repositioned his herd of halfstein cows to take advantage of the August sun.
A lot of backyard barbecuing was held all around town and it was wonderful.