Forced out of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, John Hirt and his wife sought refuge with family on Martha's Vineyard. Ten years later, Mr....
Sarah Mattson and Jamison Loveday of Oak Bluffs announce the birth of a daughter, Emilia Morgan Loveday, born on June 4 at the Martha’s Vineyard...
Edgartown selectmen agreed Monday to form a new committee to study options for mobile phone service on Chappaquiddick amid concern from residents...
The winners of the 2015 Best of the Vineyard awards will be announced on Friday, June 12 at a party hosted by Martha’s Vineyard Magazine, the sponsor...
Cape Pogue Wildlife Refuge has been closed to vehicle traffic to protect newly-hatched piping plover chicks.
Acting director Rose Cogliano won the support of the Oak Bluyffs selectmen at their regular meeting last week, nearly 16 months after she took over...
U.S. Rep. Bill Keating will be on the Island next Thursday to host a roundtable discussion with Island clergy and others about substance abuse.
The Island Community Chorus presents its spring concerts on Saturday and Sunday, April 11 and 12, with a program of choral music.
Spring is definitely here. The Lampost opens for the season on Friday, April 3, with Crooked Coast playing from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.