The proposal to fluoride our wonderful Edgartown water supply is worrisome.
Dental hygiene is the responsibility of the individual.
There are a lot of unknowns regarding potential effects fluoride could have on our bodies.
Proponents of fluoridation are asking people to believe fluoridation is so beneficial to teeth that we should ignore evidence of neurotoxicity.
The Dukes County Health Council supports local dental practitioners in their position regarding fluoridation of public water supplies.
Tisbury town meeting voters will have an opportunity to change the bylaw that mandates that articles be taken up at random.
It’s been a terrible month for the Island due to the ongoing problems at the Steamship Authority.
The Commonwealth’s MSBA approved 41.25 per cent funding for the proposed new Tisbury School.
I am writing on behalf of the boards of health of the six Island towns to remind everyone that ticks will be more active in the coming weeks and urge...
In April, residents of Edgartown will be asked to vote on a warrant article to reconstruct the historic Katama Airfield hangar.
We moved to Martha’s Vineyard in 1994 after one of our children had experienced years of debilitating health challenges.
The findings of the Gazette article about the hospital are disturbing and disappointing.
