Sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Thomas Battiste of Cape Breton who passed away on Tuesday following a brief illness. Tom, a graduate of Harvard University, had worked for the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington, D.C., and was part of the original team sent to Aquinnah to assist with our federal acknowledgement process. His professionalism and efforts made it possible for our tribe to become acknowledged in 1987.
Aquinnah Public Library for Saturday, March 14 at 11 a.m. — Jennifer Christy will read stories to celebrate spring and at 11:30 will assist with art projects to celebrate light.
Would you believe, more than three days in a row of sunshine? The lilacs are in full bloom, the shad are bursting with buds, beach plum bushes are also blooming, and mayflowers are found along ancient paths. Spring has perhaps finally arrived.
The Outermost Inn opens this evening with dinners being served nightly, with the exception of Monday nights when Captain Hugh Taylor, his wife, Jeanne, and their staff take the night off. Please call for reservations, 508-645-3511.
Once again, we will attempt to have a special town meeting on Tuesday evening, March 3 at 7 p.m. at the town hall. You are needed for a quorum, so please bring a neighbor and vote.
Graveside services for Ronald B. Jeffers will be held at North Cemetery on August 1 at 11 a.m. Reverend Roger H. Spinney will conduct the services and Ronnie will be honored by the Veterans of Martha’s Vineyard.
The Aquinnah Public Library will feature author Tom Dresser who will discuss his new book In My Life, a fictional account of the challenges young people faced as they came of age in the 1960s.
Congratulations to Aquinnah selectman Jim Newman who won reelection on Wednesday and will once again serve our community well. As of Wednesday evening, I did not have the exact figures but do know that the over-ride also passed. There will be a special town meeting on Tuesday evening, May 19 at 7 p.m. at the town hall.
The Aquinnah Public Library appeared to be awaiting spring on Saturday during the 11 a.m. story time. While Library Director Jennifer Christy was inside reading to the toddlers, Menasha Leport and her mother Nancy were outside decorating the entrance with colorful springtime flowers and ribbons to make the town hall even more appealing for library patrons.