Rain, glorious rain! It was a great call on Saturday when we had some glorious rain showers and a little thunder and lightning. The plants and ground have been screaming for it.
I will say the plants and ground are screaming for rain and I hope we get some soon.
If we could only regulate it so it is warm and beautiful during the day.
After getting rid of the humidity, we are enjoying nice, sunny, dry air.
The song goes “those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.” Lazy? Not this time on the Island.
We have been lucky with the nice weather but we have also got some much-needed rain. Now we are preparing for some humid weather coming our way.
We would laugh, we would cry over the loss of animals, we would argue, we would make up.
I think spring is on delay until summer.
It is Monday night and the sky was open all day. It was like an October day and yes the heat was on in the house. It looks like it is going to be an interesting month.